health and fitness


Ep 155: Flu 2018, Holiday Gift Box Drama, Why I Loved The Last Jedi

The Nash Attack episode 149 Banner

Ep 149: What That Mouf Do? A Wisdom Tooth Story

Real talk, I got my wisdom teeth taken out so let's keep it short. I don't know why I thought 30 was going to be so much easier, the wisdom teeth saga has proven otherwise. Thanks for listening and for dealing with my absence while I lay around and ice my face. *Warning this podcast contains explicit language. Listener discretion is advised. (pic featuring recent Ipsy bags, click here to get yours.)   The Nash…
The Nash Attack talks Keto

Ep 137: Let’s Talk Keto | How I Make It Work, MFP, Macros and More!

*This post contains affiliated links.  If you make a purchase from clicking one of these links I will be compensated. Is there a super trendy food thing happening? Of course I'm here for it! I've been doing the ketogenic diet since April and I have seen great success. I really like it. It might not be for everyone but if it's something you're considering I hope this podcast episode helps you.  I do my best…
Feel Good
Best Modified Workouts Banner

Best Modified YouTube Workouts

A couple of weeks back I made a post discussing my fitness journey and shared some of my favorite workouts that I have found on YouTube. I always try to be inclusive of everyone on and it hit me earlier, that post was ableist AF. There are so many different levels of ability when it comes to fitness and exercise. I apologize for the oversight and I will update the original post to include…