The Nash Attack Episode 57

Ep 57: Pokemon Go For Business | Tanye Swest Drama Explained



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Slap bracelets, beanie babies, Furby: these fads have come and gone but the memories are burned in our brains forever. We are living in the time of Pokemon Go. It’s really fun, kind of stupid, and your brand should dive in and embrace. Be it in person or online, there’s opportunities to leverage these little digital monsters into more eyes on YOUR brand. Is it absolutely ridiculous? Yes. Is it worth looking into for this brief moment for the potential surge of social media followers or store visitors? Absolutely.

In this podcast episode I explain how you can Pokemon Go work for your business. I also explain the really stupid Kanye/T Swift/Kim K. drama for you. Eh, it’s really pointless but I’m sure you’re seeing a lot about it so I figured I’d get you up to speed.


I say it many many times during the podcast but this is obviously only a temporary craze. Stuff like this comes and goes. Don’t let that stop you from connecting with your potential customers while you can. Why not get ahead of it and get in while it’s still something though?

Here are some additional resources:

Pokemon Go Is Driving Insane Amounts of Sales at Small, Local Businesses. Here’s How It Works.

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Pokemon (a very detailed guide to the game)

As Pokemon Go Evolves, Businesses Are Squeezing Themselves In (this is the best guide for businesses that I have found)

Small Business Tech This Week: Make Money with Pokémon Go, and Vine Is on the Decline

 Great example of a brand utilizing Pokemon GO on both social and in real life!

Check Out My Local Grocery Store Getting in on The Fun! 


Pokestuff, So it Looks Like You Care…

In case your brick and mortar business isn’t near a Pokestop; here’s some cute/cheap Pokemon crap that you can display. It’s coming from Amazon so it will be there in 2 days (probably right in time for everyone to have stopped playing the game).



