The Nash Attack Podcast Episode 122

Ep 122: I Hate to be a Bummer But I Miss My Little Dog

*This post contains affiliated links.  If you make a purchase from clicking one of these links I will be compensated.

It makes me so sad but last week, my sweet little dog died. It’s been such a change, my whole daily routine has changed. I never realized the impact having this dog had my life. This was the first pet I ever owned and the loss has been huge.

I did not know how best to honor him so here is this podcast episode. I know that other people have huge things going on in their lives, so I appreciate you taking time to listen to some words about my little dog. Please feel free to share stories or pictures of your past and present pets.

Leave your message at (888) 376 – NASH!

*Warning this podcast contains explicit language. Listener discretion is advised.The Nash Attack and her Dog, Poodlo


The Nash Attack Podcast Episode 122

Leave Me a Message!

The official Nash Attack Hotline is open! You can now leave me a message at (888) 376- NASH. You can also leave me a message here on The Nash Attack website using the messaging app below.

starts at 9am 2/13, ends 9am 2/15

The Nash Attack Podcast is a self funded project meant to entertain and help people. If you like what you hear and you want to make a donation for my efforts please click here. Your donation will go toward the many hosting fees that keep this place running.
